Just a reminder that the ward Christmas party is THIS Saturday December 5th at 6:00 p.m. at the church. The theme for the night is "Light of the World" featuring Christmas celebrations from around the world. We are planning a very fun night of culture and food. Sign-up sheets have gone around the ward to give us a count of who is planning to attend, if you are planning on coming and have not let us know please e-mail me at
kallie10_4@hotmail.com with the number of people in your family that will be attending, (we have only heard from a few families so far). As part of our celebrations from around the world we are going to have stations/booths featuring a specific country. We were hoping that those of you who have lived in other countries, or served as missionaries or in the military would be able to share with us those cultural celebrations. I have had only two individuals willing to help out. One from Cuba and another representing the Latino Culture. This is not hard, all you would need to do is bring some things that I'm sure you collected from that country to be displayed and either be there to tell about how Christmas is celebrated (from 6:00-6:45 p.m.) or write down (or find something from the web) something that people could read as they come to your country. You could also bring Christmas decor influenced by that country and small samples of food for people to try (but not required) If your country didn't celebrate Christmas tell us how they celebrated a different winter holiday like Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, New Year's, etc.
Here is what is needed:
1) RSVP so I know who is coming.
2) Volunteers to help cook turkey and ham, and volunteers to just warm food already prepared
3) Sign up to bring things to represent a specific country. I need to know before hand.
4)Come Saturday early to set-up your booth.
5)People to sign-up to bring your favorite dessert (if this represents another culture, all the better)
Please let me know ASAP so we can appropriately prepare.